Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

HURRAY:My Blog Has Been Choosen To Be Featured At Budgeting Planner !

I want to sincerely thank Shiela, from budgetingplanner.org.uk.
Who stumbled on my blog(Obehi Okoawo's Blog) while searching for Budgeting Planner related information. They operate the largest Budgeting Planner website featuring more than 30,000 blogs. The site averages 200,000 uniques visitors per month.

"Based on your blog's popularity and other factors, we have featured your blog at http://budgetingplanner.org.uk/blog_awards/index.php?id=45629"  Shiela, from budgetingplanner.org.uk.

Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

Soldier rapes, batters lady at graveyard!!!

Miss Jane Adams, a 23-year-old student of the Lagos State Polytechnic (LASPOTECH) is crying for justice. She is seeking help after a soldier serving at Bonny Camp, Lagos allegedly abducted and raped her at a dreaded cemetery within the Ojo Military Cantonment in Lagos. The victim, who hails from Gboko Local Government Area of Benue State, alleged that Lance Corporal Akparuku Clever, in the night of Saturday, January 22, abducted her in his danfo bus, marked LAGOS XY 230 EKY, and forcefully took her to a graveyard inside the Ojo Military Cantonment. There, she recalled, he allegedly pulled a dagger, threatened to injure or kill her and then raped her.

It was during her intense struggle with him that she suffered a serious injury on her left eye, she said. Aside from the alleged rape, Jane also accused the soldier of other diabolical intentions, saying he attempted to insert a charmed ring inside her private part.

In an interview with Daily Sun, the victim who still nurses the gruesome wounds allegedly inflicted on her by the soldier, described the incident as the worst experience of her life.

Narrating her ordeal, she said some hoodlums at Boundary area of Apapa had snatched her handbag while she was returning from work the previous day. But unknown to her, the loss of her bag was just a harbinger of some evil that was waiting to happen.The lady worked with Halogen Security firm from where she was deployed to Oando Oil, Apapa terminal 2. It was on her way home after the day’s work that some hoodlums, popularly known as ‘Area Boys’ in Lagos, attacked her and snatched her bag containing her mobile phone and other valuables.

It was on that same ill-fated day that she coincidentally ran into an old friend of her elder brother, Goodnews, who later assisted her with N200.00. They later exchanged phone numbers and she went home. According to Jane, her family formerly lived in the Ojo Barracks because her father, Mr Anakaun Ujon Adams, was a soldier until his death on January 9, 2009. It was after her father’s death that the bereaved family relocated from the area. Her mother, Eunice, went to live in Benue while she stayed back in Lagos with her elder sister at a private residence opposite the military barracks. It was from her residence that she went to work in Apapa, and Goodnews, the Good Samaritan, later introduced her to Mr. Akparuku, a soldier serving at the DAOP Unit of the Army Headquarters, Bonny Camp. Jane said the soldier never asked her for love, but they related only as casual friends until Saturday, January 22, when it dawned on her that friends could be deceitful. According to her, she was returning from work late in the evening when she saw Goodnews and Akparuku drinking in a bar located opposite the barracks with some of their friends. Jane said she joined them on invitation and was offered a bottle of malt.

But, according to her, hardly had she taken a sip of the chilled drink when some boys from their neighbourhood invaded the bar to make trouble.Goodnews, she recalled, engaged the boys in a fight and efforts made to separate them failed. She said she considered running away from the scene but when she considered it as a betrayal to a friend that invited her for a free drink, she stayed behind. In her words, when the owner of the bar requested for her money, the soldier, Akparuku, pleaded with her to accompany him to a new generation bank located inside the military barracks to collected some money from the ATM machine to offset their bill. The victim said she didn’t suspect anything and entered the bus. The first year student of Business Administration said the fog of excitement cleared from her eyes when the soldier refused to stop at the bank. And when she confronted him to stop the vehicle, he allegedly persuaded her to follow him to his house to collect his ATM card.

“I told him to stop the vehicle, so that I would get down but he refused. He kept on speeding. But when he got to the School of Music, there was a mound of sand there. I used that opportunity to jump down from the bus. But he came down and pursued me.I started screaming for help but he caught up with me and started kicking, hitting and dragging me back to the bus. It was at that point that he hit me on my eye and I fell down in severe pains. Some soldiers intervened at that point but he told them that I stole his N10, 000. He didn’t allow me to explain to them because he knew he was lying. He rained blows on my face, slapping me on both sides. Even those that came to help me turned around and abused me for stealing his money and ordered me to follow him,” she said.

While the beating continued, the victim said other vehicles drove past them without bothering to stop. But one man, whom she suspected to be a senior officer, stopped and ordered Mr. Akparuku to immediately take her out of the barracks.

“I told that senior officer that I wouldn’t follow him any more because he might kill me. But the man encouraged me to follow him into the bus. At that point, tears were flowing uncontrollably from my wounded eye which began swelling rapidly. It was getting darker and I could hardly see. When we entered the bus, I didn’t know what happened next until he dragged me down. He told me that we were in a burial ground, a no-go area. He pulled a dagger and threatened to stab me dead if I ever resist him. Everywhere was dark. He tore off my clothes. I refused to open my legs for him, and we started struggling again. But he was much stronger. The dagger slashed my neck. There were wounds all over my body. Then he raped me,” she said.

Jane said the furious soldier throttled her so hard that she could hardly scream. “I lay helplessly on the ground,” she recalled. She said the soldier also threatened to kidnap and keep her out of sight forever, for daring to insult him.Jane, who said the incident left her thoroughly humiliated and debased, recalled that her alleged rapist used no condom.

“Apart from the fear of HIV/AIDS, I was even more afraid because I was in my ovulation period,” she said. “After raping me, he took me back to the bus and told me he was from the Niger/Delta and that he had kidnapped me. He said my family would never see me again. I was so afraid that I couldn’t utter a word. But when we got to a place in the barracks called Fin Niger, I saw somebody with a torch. I jumped out of the vehicle and started calling on the man to save me. At that time, I was naked but I didn’t mind. Other people came, some of them were soldiers, and they took us to the military police. They locked him up in the guardroom and took me to the military hospital. I spent three days in the hospital before the doctor referred me to a specialist hospital for the treatment of my eye,” she explained.

A medical report issued by the military hospital and made available to Daily Sun, described the incident as an assault occasioning bodily harm. But the victim is accusing the army authorities of trying to water down the rape charge so that the victim would receive light punishment.

“He raped me. He penetrated me and released his semen inside me. How can I lie and expose myself to this shame if it is not true? Even the man confessed that he did it. The doctor that examined me that night knows the truth. All I want is justice,” she said.

Jane said another lady also suffered a similar fate in the same location and was brought to the same military hospital. According to her, the lady, presumably in her early 20s, equally claimed to have been raped by unknown men at the same graveyard. Aside from having several rounds of unprotected sex, the perverts added a gory dimension to their crime by forcing an empty bottle into her private part. She spent the night unconscious in the cemetery until some passers-by took her to the military hospital. She was referred to an undisclosed specialist hospital when doctors at the barracks could do nothing to save her life, she said.

Although Jane said she was certified negative when she went for a pregnancy test, perpetual fear still gnaws at her mind, as she feels she might have contracted the dreaded HIV. She said her HIV status could only be properly diagnosed after six months. Since the incident happened, Jane said she has been seeking legal aid, but lacks the required financial power and counsel.

Aside her financial constraints, the young lady said she is also facing constant threats from unknown persons who have vowed to deal with her for rejecting conciliatory steps engineered by the accused. According to her, a member of the Oodua People’s Congress (OPC), warned her recently to be more careful because some people are out to silence her forever.Daily Sun undercover reporter visited Ojo Barracks on Friday, February 12 to get more details of the sex crime. At the military duty room where the accused was detained, the detainee chart spelt out the offence of assault and rape against Lance Corporal Akparuku Clever, who was the third on the chart. The chart also had seven other soldiers charged and detained for other misdemeanours.

The reporter, in an attempt to get the details of the offence, claimed to be a relation of the victim, who has come to broker a peace deal. Looking suspiciously at the reporter, the officer on duty ordered the visitors to wait outside the office for his colleague that has the keys to the guardroom. It took some couple of minutes before the accused was brought out from his cell.

On seeing Jane, the soldier’s eyes fell as he sat down on the wooden bench in front of the office. The journalist was able to convince him that the family of the victim had finally agreed to settle the case. The bait caught the suspect. He sounded remorseful as he reeled out his confession. He pleaded with the victim to name her price in order to save his career. He argued that his detention in cell had done either party no good, moreso as his commercial bus had been impounded by the authorities.

It was while the soldier was pleading with the victim to withdraw the case that the reporter stealthily took his photograph, a Herculean task because of the presence of other soldiers.Akparuku, with Force Number 03NA/63/197, disclosed that he was a native of Bayelsa State, a married man with five children. His pregnant wife, he said, was almost due and had travelled home with the children shortly after the incident for the burial of her grandmother.

Looking downcast and unkempt, Akparuku said misfortunes had been trailing him from his village since he took his danfo bus home. The army authorities, he noted, had since confiscated the bus which the victim alleged was used to abduct her.Akparuku claimed it was not in a graveyard that the incident happened and denied any plan to use the victim for rituals. But the victim, who had been playing along to enable the reporter get details of the case, lost her temper and shouted him down for being economical with the truth. To keep the accused in high spirits, the journalist promised to prevail on the victim to withdraw her case entirely from the military police so that he would be released from the guardroom.

At the Ojo Military Police office, the reporter also met the Officer-in-Charge, Lieutenant Colonel, W.F. David, who assured the victim that investigations were on-going. Although he declined giving details of the action the military would take against the accused, one of the investigators said the accused would never go unpunished.Efforts made to get official comments of the Nigerian Army failed. When the reporter contacted one of the commanding officers at the cantonment, one Captain Sanni, he said he was not aware of the incident since it happened outside his unit. According to him, there were about 14 units in the Army, which makes it difficult for him to know what happened in other units.

Also, the spokesman for Brigade 9 of the Nigerian Army, Lagos, Captain Olaolu Daudu, said he was not aware of the incident but assured that since the accused was still in military custody, the matter would be properly investigated.However, the victim said her wounds would continue to fester unless the Army authorities heed her cry for justice. She said her tears would continue to flow until the man who subjected her to such physical, psychological and emotional torture earns his deserved punishment.

Will Miss Jane Adams ever receive justice? The whole world waits.

Rabu, 23 Februari 2011


We congratulate Iyeoka on being nominated in the R&B song category for “This Time Around” in The 10th annual Independent Music Awards. Even as Say Yes was released on November 9th 2010 and managed to fall into the radar of a Top 15 Albums of 2010 list. Iyeoka’s Say Yes joins the creativity rank of artist such as The Roots, Nas & Damien Marley, Bilal, and Erykah Badu who according to Planet Ill, have albums that exhibit a wonderfully executed LP in every sense imaginable.

What do you get when you merge the power of spoken word, the depth to cover topics like struggle, culture, love and soul with naked vulnerability and revelation? You get the theatrical, majestic beautifully brutal Say Yes. Superb in composition, creative in execution and holistic in experience.” – Planet Ill

Jumat, 18 Februari 2011

Senate okays death for terrorism.

The Senate yesterday approved death sentence for terrorists whose acts resulted in the death of Nigerians as it passed the Anti-terrorism Bill 2010. But the anti-money laundering bill failed to scale through as the third reading was shelved till the next legislative day.

President Goodluck Jonathan sent three reminders to the National Assembly, urging members to pass the bill, which was introduced by the late President Umaru Yar’Adua.
The version passed was a combination of the executive bill and the one sponsored by Senator Anthony Manzo on National Security Enhancement Bill.

In all, the bill recommends a maximum sentence of 20 years imprisonment or death penalty if there is a loss of life in any terrorist act. It also outlaws actions of individuals or groups that can be likened to terrorism, including kidnapping, oil bunkering and piracy and airplane hijacks.
The bill covers possession or use of explosives as well as research into the development of explosives – including biological and chemical – without lawful authority.

Offenders risk a maximum of 10 years imprisonment if they are found guilty of involvement in training potential terrorists, passing or withholding terrorist information, aiding or harbouring terrorist and funding terrorist activities.

The National Security Adviser (NSA) and Inspector-General of Police were mandated to enforce the provisions of the bill when signed into law by the President. The bill also provided that with the approval of the NSA and the Director-General of State Security Services (SSS) could seize and enforce forfeiture of terrorist properties or cash upon conviction of a terrorist or proscription of a terrorist group.

...Queries additional N8.4bn in INEC’s budget
The Senate has queried the difference of N8.4billion in the budget estimate of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) for 2011 and that of the Federal Government currently before the National Assembly. A thorough vetting of the figures presented to the Senate Committee on Electoral Matters by the Chairman of INEC, Prof. Attahiru Jega revealed the differences in what was allotted the commission by the Budget Offcie.

The estimate presented by INEC was N51.7 billion, against N45.3 contained in the details presented by President Goodluck Jonathan to the National Assembly. But Jega explained that he had held several meetings with the Budget Office and the Ministry of Finance on the proposal it submitted and was given approval for N51.7 billion. The federal legislature was shocked that Jega said he could not defend the items which made up the N45.3 billion estimates from the Budget Office.

Chairman of the committee, Senator Isiaka Adeleke, said the committee could not wish away the difference of about N8.4 billion budget. He also said that the committee could not also unilaterally close the gap between the budgets since the Federal Government’s estimates were based on the availability of funds. Jega was asked to return to the Ministry of Finance and the Budget Office to resolve the differences and return to the committee next week Tuesday.

For the April general elections, Jega said that INEC would require 360,000 ad hoc staff as against the 250,000 staff used for the voter registration. Each of the ad hoc staff, he stated, would be paid N10,000 as daily allowance for the three elections as against N5,000 in previous elections, bringing the total cost to N10.8 billion.Jega also told the committee that N1 billion, which was provided in last year’s budget in anticipation of new staff recruitment, was returned to the treasury because the recruitment was put on hold.

INEC, he said, would be paying N324 million to consultants for the recruitment of 4,000 workers this year, noting that the commission current had 12,000 workers.

Senin, 14 Februari 2011

Omotola Jalade First Nollywood actress to walk the Grammy awards red carpet!!

History was made yesterday as Nollywood diva"Omotola jalade Ekehinde becomes the first Nollywood actress to walk the Grammy awards red carpet courtesy of her New international management "Bishop Entertainment consult & Bungalo/Universal records.  Omotola who is currently in the US for a series of promotional appearances was looking pretty in a black and white dress.
Obehi Okoawo's Blog is glad to bring you the exclusive pictures .

Omotola with Motown records artiste

 See More pictures below

Omotola with Bishop A on grammy red carpet
Omotola answering questions @the red carpet
Omotola and Leo Roders
Omotola and Mohammed
Omotola and Efe

Last Minute Valentine's Day Gift Guide!

The top 10 gifts that will save your hide at zero hour this Feb. 14th. We've got you covered! *wink*

Shocking! You've procrastinated until the very last moment once again, on the day that's considered calendar kryptonite to most men: Valentine's Day. In your frantic scramble to redeem yourself on any level with the clock at zero and the girlfriend expecting to be swept off your feet, ObehiOkoawo's Blog is here to save the day. With our Last Minute Valentine's Day Gift Guide, you've got everything you need to make sure she feels like the goddess she is, and you're not left feeling like a loveless chump on Feb. 15.

1. Using Old Photos for New Gifts
It's the morning of Valentine's Day, and though you've put it off forever, you're determined to make a personal, sentimental gift. No problem! Grab a flash drive/USB stick, load it up with pictures of the two of you together (better yet, find a cute pic of her as a kid and photoshop it together with one of you as a little runt), and head down to the local drug store. Those do-it-yourself Kodak Picture Kiosks at drugstores like CVS/Pharmacy and other chain stores, you can design personal greeting cards with photos and text, or create a personalized photobook. It'll take you less than an hour total, and you're guaranteed to melt her heart.

2. Treasure Hunt
Make a treasure hunt for your loved one with riddles or clues to lead them to a gift at the end of the trail. If you make it an all-day scavenger hunt, you'll have the time to pick up a couple other items on the list. Romance is a chess game! You must be a studied master to truly succeed. Don't let her see you sweating as you try to cram in some final procrastination-covering details. They key is to make it look planned and almost casual.

3. Flower Delivery

Arrange for flowers to be delivered, no matter how late in the game you are. Same-day flowers and floral arrangements are easy to order online, though they'll drain you dry on costs. But in the end, what's better, a thin wallet for the next week or an angry girlfriend who thinks you're too cheap to bother with a Valentine's gift?

4. A Sentimental Journey

Plan a trip to the place you met, the location of your first date or another place that's special to the two of you. Share your feelings (for once!) and show her that you appreciate her enough to want to revisit the spot you first (fill in the blank) together. Though guys, this might need pointing out: do not take her to the place you first made out/hooked up/slept together. Bad form.

5. Mixtape!
You'll have to employ at least one other idea on the list to make it a winner, but you can't go wrong if you burn a CD of songs you know your Valentine will enjoy. You could go the themed route, with love songs and sappy romantic ditties that might apply to your relationship, or simply a collection of songs you know she'll love - but make sure to include at least a few songs that are special to the two of you. Decoration on the actual CD tends to be difficult without affecting the disc, so it's best to find a nicely designed case - or make one yourself.

6. Romantic Dinner for Two
All the reservations are booked, you've waited too long again to book a table at your better half's favorite fancy restaurant. Salvation remains in the fact that at most places, you can order takeout and present it in your own romantic setting at home. Light candles, turn on some slow-jams and bring out the nice plateware. If you have a fireplace, light that baby up for a romantic evening with very little preparation time.

7. Surprise Getaway
There are few more exciting surprises to a girl than to be swept off her feet for a weekend getaway, and sites like Orbitz.com and LastMinute.com give you every incentive to wait until the last minute. You can save up to 70% when you book at the last minute on some of these deal sites, which requires a little scheduling flexibility but is well worth the romance points (and more, we're sure) you're going to earn when she finds out it's time to pack the weekend bag!

8. Write Her a Song
If you've got any musical inclination whatsoever, it's time to step up to the plate and write a little ditty about the sunshine in your life. The song itself can be worse than your little brother's band, and sure, maybe you've got the voice of a dying parrot - but trust us on this one, she's going to melt the moment she sees you pouring your heart into a song conveying your love to her. It doesn't have to be a sappy ballad, either - you'll likely get an A for effort just for giving it a shot.

9. Personalized Card with Love Coupons

To hell with Hallmark. If you've got a printer with a healthy amount of red ink, you're good to go, so long as you know how to work the Google image finder and a few romantic pictures (we'll even do it for you). Once you've assembled some nice pics and a heartfelt statement, head over to Valentine's Day Love Coupons and start printing. The first of the love coupons is blank, for you to personalize. Staple the pages together neatly in a booklet or tied with a pretty ribbon, and you're good to go. The only catch - you're going to have to include one or two other selections in this list to really have a romantic impact.

10. Chocolate!

Besides diamonds, what's really a girl's best friend? Chocolate. The debate has long ago been settled. But this is Valentine's Day, and the tired old heart-shaped box of cavity makers isn't going to cut it these days. You have to get something special and unique, so look for a store in your area that sells homemade specialty chocolates. Not See's Candies! Not even Godiva will get the message across that you didn't just stop on your way over at the nearest shop. No big-box chocolatiers allowed. Unique is unforgettable.

Minggu, 13 Februari 2011

Best and Worst Dressed at the 2011 Grammy Awards

Full of can't miss moments and enough over-the-top fashion to make your eyes pop, the Grammy Awards never fail to stir up controversy! Check out the stars who hit and missed on the red carpet!
When it comes to the Grammy Awards, it is best to expect the unexpected. From red carpet fashion statements to mind blowing performances, anything can happen at the Grammy Awards. Check out the stars who got fashionably funky on music's biggest nights at The 53rd Annual GRAMMY Awards held at Staples Center on February 13, 2011 in Los Angeles, California.!
1. Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj always puts her best foot forward when she hits the red carpet. The “Moment 4 Life” singer definitely caught our attention in a roaring custom made Givenchy leopard print ensemble. Leaving her signature inverted bob behind, the singer rocked a skyscraping blond and leopard print ‘do.
2. Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian channeled Beyonce in a plunging Kaufman Franco gown. With her signature long raven locks and a heavenly bronzed glow, Kimmie's sexy curves didn’t disappoint!
3. Lady Gaga

While the Grammy red carpet has seen its fare share of crazy costumes, nothing can top Lady Gaga’s over-the-top arrival in an incubated womb! Hoisted overhead by models, the “Born this Way” singer stayed concealed until her much anticipated performance.

4. Jennifer Hudson

Jennifer Husdon continues to keep our heads turning with her dramatic makeover. Showing off her stunning figure in a flowing Versace gown fitted at the bust, Ms. Hudson simply took our breath away

5. Eva Longoria

Eva Longoria left the long gowns to the musicians and opted for a ruffled cocktail dress complete with a fluffy bodice. Leaving the volume for her dress, she pulled her brunette tresses back in a sleek ponytail.

6. Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman joined her husband Keith Urban on the red carpet in a Jean Paul Gaultier floral gown. Teamed with her ravishing red locks, the strapless gown was the perfect choice!
7. Selma Blair

Selma Blair glowed on the red carpet in a high-waisted Lanvin gray gathered gown. The expecting mother let her natural beauty shine through with subdued makeup and simple cuff bracelets.
8. Giuliana DePandi

Giuliana DePandi took a break from her red carpet hosting duties and showed off her toned gams in a fringed one-shoulder gown. Highlighting her toned framed Guiliana swept her two-toned locks up in a loose bun.
9. Kelly Osbourne

Even while tending to her red carpet hosting duties, Kelly Osbourne still managed to look perfectly poised. Teamed with sparkling pumps and sleek shoulder-length locks, Kelly was a knockout in her frothy Tadashi Shoji one-shoulder dress.
10. Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi

Adding soft curls to her signature poof, Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi was ultra-glam in a sequined power shoulder cocktail dress. Perfectly paired with sparkling ankle-strap heels, the Jersey Shore cast member looked rockin'!

11. Miranda Lambert

Miranda Lambert took the classic approach at the Grammy Awards in a shimmering Georges Chakra one-shoulder gown. The singer offset her look with a neatly tucked bun, gold hoops and matching peep toe pumps.
12. Florance Welch

You can always count on Florance Welch to bring a little couture to the red carpet. The rock star did just that in a gorgeous Givenchy Couture gown. Paired with her ravishing red locks and subdued makeup, her dress took center stage!
13. Ciara

R & B star Ciara graced the red carpet in a flowing cut-out Emilio Pucci gown from the Spring 2011 collection. Long cascading curls and zip-up gladiator heels completed her sexy thigh-high gown.
14. Dianna Agron

The Glee stars were out in full force at this years Grammy’s and Dianna Agron looked as lovely as always. Draped in a structured strapless dress and sky-high pumps, Dianna completed her look with a chic French twist.
15. Crystal Bowersox

Crystal Bowersox may not be a seasoned vet on the Grammy carpet, but she certainly stepped it up a notch in a Grecian gown cinched at the waist. Side swept locks and a shimmering glow accented her sparkling bodice.
16. Monica

We haven’t seen too much of Monica as of late, but the R & B diva sure knows how to command our attention. Rockin’ a structured floor-length gown and a chic pixie cut, Monica completed her look with a sequined clutch and gold bangles.
17. Hayley Williams

Hayley Williams added a much needed spunky flair to the red carpet in a Jeremy Scott dress. Paired with her fire engine red hair, her feather embellished gown popped on the carpet!
18. Janelle Monae

Janelle Monae didn’t stray far from her signature retro style. The “Tightrope” singer amped things up a bit with a sequined tuxedo jacket, satin slacks and platform pumps.
19. Jenna Ushkowitz

Jenna Ushkowitz looked perfectly bowed in a tulle embellished cocktail dress. Paired with soft ringlet curls and platform pumps, the Glee star looked all too elegant.
20. Mya

Mya worked the crowd in an opulent strapless evening gown on the red carpet. The singer highlighted her silver embellished dress with metallic shadow and gleaming chandelier earrings.
21. Julianne Hough

Julianne Hough was a country cutie in a Malandrino abstract print gown. The starlet accented her plunging neckline with a tousled low hanging bun and demure diamond hoop earrings.
22. Natasha Bedingfield

Songbird Natasha Bedingfield floated across the red carpet in a strapless sky-blue gown complete with sequins at the bodice. She upped the ante with pinned curls and a touch of mauve lipstick.
23. Jewel

Even at five months pregnant, Jewel was glowing in a soft yellow evening gown by Pamella Roland. The draped one-shoulder gown was the perfect silhouette for her growing baby bump.
24. Tia Carrere

Actress Tia Carrere also opted for a Grecian gown in a kelly green hue. She added her own flair to the dress with a glamorous fur stole and elegant diamond jewels
25. Paz Vega

Actress Paz Vega wore a long-sleeve mini dress that was trimmed in detailed beading. Complete with lust-worthy Jimmy Choo heels and polished locks, Paz looked ready to rock out on stage!
26. Melanie Fiona

Melanie Fiona gave us a little bohemian flair in a striped Max Azria gown. Complete with a black headband and demure jewels, Melanie offered up something fresh and funky.
27. Anna Nalick

Playing up her feminine side Anna Nalick wore a tulle gown, which featured a cinched waist and voluminous skirt. The nude dress allowed her curly bob and smoky eye makeup to steal the spotlight.
Jennifer Lopez arrives at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles.
Heidi Klum arrives at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles.
All eyes were on Rihanna tonight as she made her way down the red carpet at the Staples Center.

RiRi donned a very revealing Jean Paul Gaultier Haute Couture ruffled gown that was practically straight off the Parisian runway.

We gotta give Rihanna props for daring to bare it all, but that hair is killing us!

It needed a little styling or at least a brush. Lucky for her we doubt anyone's going to notice.
Miranda Lambert arrives at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles.
Toni Braxton arrives at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles.
Cyndi Lauper arrives at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles.
Jewel arrives at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles.
Eva Longoria arrives at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles.
Leann Rimes arrives at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles.
Kathy Griffin arrives at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles.
Mya arrives at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles.
Jordin Sparks arrives at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles
Amber Riley arrives at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles.
Gretchen Wilson arrives at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles.
Lalah Hathaway arrives at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles.
Keri Hilson arrives at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles.
N'dambi arrives at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles.
Yocon Talie arrives at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles.
Karina Nuvo arrives at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles.
Naya Rivera arrives at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles.
Aleesia arrives at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles.
Jada Pinkett-Smith arrives at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles.
Gramma Funk arrives at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles.
Yolanda Adams arrives at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles.
India.Arie arrives at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles.
Hettie Barnhill arrives at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles.
Eva LaRue arrives at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles.
Esperanza Spalding arrives at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles.
Bonnie McKee arrives at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles.
Alicia Arden arrives at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles.
Looks like Katy Perry's getting a head start on Valentine's Day by channeling her inner cupid.

The Grammy nominee's Armani Prive ensemble consisted of a crystal accented bra top, a silver skirt with long train and white angel wings.

It's different from what we've seen Katy wearing, but at the same time it's still her.

All that's missing was a halo.