Rabu, 15 Desember 2010

Cell Phone Manners: Cellular Phone Etiquette

Cell Phone Manners For Ladies and Gentlemen
Increasingly we are growing depending on our cell phones. We almost have a relationship with them. Perhaps there is increasingly a need for cellular phone etiquette

Also I've included business phone etiquette which I've gathered for us to live peacefully with our phones and every one else's.

Cell Phone Manners In a Restaurant

Cell phones should be turned off to silent mode whenever you are in a restaurant.

If its fine dining, the cellular phone etiquette is to switch it off completely. It is quite rude to pay attention to a cell phone when your date is enjoying your company (and paying a hefty fee).

The less formal the restaurant, the more casual you can be with your cell phone.

However, it's best that you return the call after the meal. If you have to pick it up, tell the caller you'll call them back.

If you are at lunch on a workday, and your client or boss is calling, excuse yourself from the table.

If you really really have to talk at the table, do so quietly. Make it short and brief.

It is to the consideration of other patrons nearby.

Cell Phone Manners Driving

Do not text or use your phone when you are driving if you can help it.

If you do, please use a hands-free set or use the speakerphone function.

If someone calls you, the same cellular phone etiquette goes except if there is someone in your car and you are using the speakerphone, let the caller know the first thing. Tell them that you will call them back.

Cell Phone Manners On a Date or Social function.

Date does not mean a romantic date. It could be lunch with your mother, or coffee with the ladies.

Cellular phone etiquette is to try not to pay attention to your cell phone too much. Whenever your phone beckons, answer it quickly, make it brief. If you get a text message, quickly glance at it, and if it is not urgent, reply later.

Do not fall into an SMS conversation when you are in company. That is rude.

At a party or gathering, do not take your cell phone out and tinker with it, send text messages just because you are bored. If no one is talking to you, make an effort to talk to someone.

Cell Phone Manners On The Table?
It is more acceptable to place your cell phone on the table, though traditionally cellular phone etiquette is not to do so. Therefore, I urge you to only do that if you are expecting a call or message.

Otherwise, leave them unseen, in your bag or coat.

It is more acceptable to leave them on the table during lunch and on a workday than in the evenings or the weekends.

Understandably, we can make work as an excuse.

Cell Phone Manners In Meetings, the Movies, Conferences And Church

We should all be familiar with the cellular phone etiquette now, despite the hundreds of signs and notices we see.

Turn it off.

Or Keep it silent.

And silent without noisy vibrating alert sounds.

If you have to take a call, take it outside. Do this if only it is extremely urgent.

If you have to send an sms, do it quickly.

Cell Phone Manners With A Ringing Phone That is Not Yours

How to employ the cellular phone etiquette when it is not your phone.

The phone rings. Your date has gone to the washroom. Should you answer it?

The answer is NO.

Do not even pick it up to see who is calling.

When he returns. Let him know that he has a missed call.

The only time you should pick it up TO silence or stop the ringing if he has not switched to silent mode in the restaurant.

Only answer the phone that is not yours if you have been instructed to do so.

Answer in a manner that identifies yourself since the caller is not expecting you.

For example,"Kelly's phone, this is Cherise speaking."

Cell Phone Manners With Other People's Phone

The Proper Cellular Phone Etiquette:

Never touch other people's phones unless given the go ahead.

Never ask if you can read their text messages or look at their photos or videos.

Never try to snoop and read them anyway.

When your friend passes you their phone to make a call or look at something, call or look and give it back right away.

Cell Phone Manners Of An Elegant Woman

Her phone is always kept clean and pristine, free of make up.

She keeps at a safe and organized place in her bag so when she needs it, she does not go digging for it.

She does not have a whole gob of trinkets dangling from it.

She only attaches a mobile phone accessory if it helps her to identify it from her bag or for easier handling.

If she uses it for decorative purposes, she keeps it tasteful and clean.

She organizes her phone numbers and keeps the internal storage of her phone impeccable. She does not load it up with games and non-practical applications.

Cell Phone Manners Taking Pictures

Be aware what are random photo picture taking and what is an intrusion of privacy.

Turn off the camera's click sound if you can help it. It is distracting to passer-bys.

Refrain from distributing embarrassing photos taken of your friend.

If unsure, ask if you can take a picture first.

Cell Phone Manners Speaking

Most people forget what the purpose of a cell phone is.

Do not have lengthy chats on the phone simply because you are bored.

At lectures, conferences etc, do not ignore the speaker and simply look at your phone. If you are taking notes using your phone, make efforts to glance up.

Keep your voice low, soft but loud enough for your caller to hear you. Do not speak loudly when on the phone. If your caller can't hear you, move to a quieter place or send a text message.

Keep your calls brief.

Cell Phone Manners When You Want Another Person's Number

If you've met someone through a friend and want his number. Do not ask in this way, "Do you mind if I have Henry's number?"

Rather, it is more polite to ask, "Do you mind asking Henry if I could have his number?"

You could suggest, "Do you mind if you ask Henry to give me a call?"

If someone asks for a number of your friend and you are not right there on the spot, say you'll pass it to her later. That delay of time is for you to check if it is okay.

If you are placed on the spot, simply say, 'I'm not sure which number is the most convenient to call, I'll check with him which one is the best.'

Or find a gracious excuse to check with your friend first. If all fails, simply say, I'll check with him if that is alright.

My Cell Phone And Me

I have a love-hate relationship with my phone. When I was running my business in a retail shop, I thoroughly disliked phone calls during business hours because they were always problems about work.

Nevertheless, cell phones have invaded our lives and we need to learn how to live with it peacefully. And with that I mean with other people's phones as well as them having to live with yours!

Thank you for reading Cell Phone Manners!

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