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Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

Ahmad Dhani, Republik Cinta Management in the bomb, Mulan Jameela vague fear

What a shock experienced by Ahmad Dhani, the article of the headquarters of the Republik Cinta Management in bombs. When people see Mulan Jameela incident fled terrified to leave her home in exactly the opposite with Dhani office. Mulan afraid that his house be the next target.

A witness saw Mulan came out with a friend by car Alphard Black.

"Mulancame out the house used car , the same lady friend , "saida witness who was in the vicinity of the house Mulan , in Pondok Pinang , South Jakarta , Thursday( 17 / 3 ) .

As reported previously, office and studio Ahmad Dhani sent a package bomb on Tuesday (15 / 3). But the bomb is only realized on Thursday (17 / 3) morning.

Type of low explosive bomb was successfully defused finally around 11:00 pm. Next Dhani will come to Jakarta Police for questioning as a witness.
Not yet known what the motive pngeboman area, one office employee alleges that his case is related to the recently much talked about media.

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