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Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

Gaddafi and fourty virgins

Gaddafi and fourty virgins. Joint military action Libyan tanks bombarding the death that swirled in the eyes of Muammar Gaddafi. But he always survived. Is it true that dozens of virgins to be the source of spiritual power?

In the invation West bombardment, has been ascertained by active Gaddafi sought refuge in his country. However, it seems that the Libyan leader is no need to worry, because he has a team of specially trained bodyguards for several decades.

It is an open secret, Gaddafi's bodyguards were female. However, in addition to handsome and macho, not many know that his bodyguards were in fact still a virgin! Yes, as many as 40 virgins bergincu with cocked weapons is always ready to be around Gaddafi.

Lady's maid was wearing glasses guard output renowned designer, wearing military boots high heels and do not forget to wear a camouflage uniform. But do not be gullible. Still look pretty and sexy, all these women are trained killers.

Direct our minds fixed on the Women's Military Academy, founded Gaddafi in Tripoli in 1979 ago. The Academy formed as a symbol of female emancipation.

"I promised the mother to improve the condition of women in Libya," Gaddafi said when establishing the academy. His mother is an ordinary woman is illiterate of Arab Bedouins. As he was born in the middle of the Italian occupation of his country.

Some foreign visitors who had given a peek access academy gave his testimony. In the block-style academy Sparta, there are about 100 women who were trained technical elite troops killed ala, day and night, for three years. They were woken up at 4:30 every morning, then warm up by jogging for a half hour.

After that, they go to classes. Some are trained to fly MIG fighter jet. Others studying the martial arts, even firing rocket-propelled grenades. "The exercises involving all military capabilities. Starting from the weaponry, fighting with bare hands, to telecommunications, "said Jane Kokan, Canadian journalist who has documented these activities in 1995.

While Doug Sanders, another Canadian journalist who had received a similar permit in 2004, wrote down his experiences on the blog. He believed, women's elite bodyguard, also known as the 'Protectors of the VIP' is a symbol.

"This picture of the idiosyncratic thoughts and enigma of the revolution in a Muslim country, where women in daily life is still far to get equal rights and obligations," he wrote.

The best student of the college-student was dubbed "revolutionary nuns'. They never married and dedicated his life entirely on the idea of ​​revolution by Gaddafi in 1969. Dilarangan They have sex and swear to protect Khadafi, if necessary, until his death.

It has been proven, in 1998. A a bodyguard named Aisha Gaddafi throws himself into the direction when Islamic militants attacked a convoy of Gaddafi. A series of bullet killed Aisha and two other colleagues. But Gaddafi survived, without the slightest scratch. So do not doubt the ability of these women in providing protection.

Western intelligence agencies have repeatedly tried to shake Gaddafi kesetian inner circle. Although there are several who betrayed the Libyan leader for 41 years, no single female bodyguard who registered the case. Even there, Gaddafi's regime would do anything for the sake of maintaining the image of elite bodyguards.

"Without the leader, Libyan women do not mean anything. He gave us life and I am ready to die for him. He is a father, brother and friend who can you trust. You would not believe how low his heart Gaddafi, "said 27-year-old girl who was trained at the academy, Fatia.

Many believe Gaddafi is currently lurking outside of Tripoli. However, he appeared on the balcony of Bab al Aziziya, complex missile hit his home a few days ago. Private jets are also believed to have been destroyed, he mitigates fled abroad. There was no other choice for Gaddafi, in addition to give his life to the virgins that. However, until when

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